Staying Frosty

  • Snowy Ordeals

    The first snow of the season arrived this weekend in Madison.  There was a snow storm that was predicted to drop up to 10 inches of snow.  However, fortunately, in the end it dropped much less. In this season of shoveling and plowing travel becomes quite the endeavor.  With winter weather now in full swing,…

  • Look Ma! No Hands!

    A friend shared an interesting video link about a hands-free wheelchair that an engineer in New Zealand has been working on.  I’ll probably stick to my old joystick driven chair for now, but it’s an exciting prospect. Ogo WheelchairA New Zealand engineer has invented a hands-free wheelchair for his best friend, who was left a…

  • Travelling around Town

    Growing up in a rural country-side setting the run to the nearest grocery store was often a 20 minute drive to the next town over.  When my brother Jake and I were still quite young we could just be lifted into standard cars and vehicles, but as we began to use wheelchairs more regularly, and…

  • Covering Medical Equipment

    A friend shared this article from Alicia Regan’s blog regarding medicaid changes in several states.  Per my own experience, securing medical equipment in a timely manner can be quite the hassle.  When my chair broke in December of 2012,  it wasn’t until March of 2013 that I got a new chair.  Furthermore, when my chair broke down…

  • Maintaining Healthcare while Working

    A friend of mine recently contacted me regarding maintaining her daily healthcare while working.  Her new job is going to put her income and assets over the limits allowed by Social Security.  For Wisconsin residents there is a handy program called the Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP), which allows higher incomes and $15,000 in assets (versus…

  • It’s … MAGIC!

    Over the years I’ve found that electric wheelchairs can build a large amount of static electricity.  Quite often this charge would be dispelled when my chair would come into contact with the metal of elevator doors, metal doorways or other such metal structures.  This proved particularly interesting during my time in college. While attending college at…

  • Reflections – MDA Summer Camp

    For 15 years, each summer I would look forward to going to the annual MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association) Summer Camp in Green Lake, WI.  Camp provided the opportunity to meet with friends and peers who shared similar disabilities, and life stories.  It was a great time where we could spend time together, campers and counselors,…


    My friends Rhena, Darrin, and Emilee share some stories of the annoyances and struggles they’ve had in day to day life in a wheelchair on their blog #WHEELCHAIRPROBS.  Check out their site here or via the Friends page.

  • Yep, still disabled…

    It’s been a few weeks since my last major post.  Things have gotten busy with work, spending time with my girlfriend, and some nice life events for friends and family.  However, much of my free time has been preoccupied with preparing for the annual Medicaid renewal paperwork.  Each year, in order to continue to receive…

  • When it Rains it Pours – Epilogue

    So, my chair had been out of commission for a month  after getting caught in a rainstorm (see the story).  I got it back after 1 long month of waiting for Medicaid to approve the paperwork.  A week later, I went up to spend the Labor Day weekend with my parents and sister.  We decided…

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