While attending college there were many fun outings with friends involving some rather interesting antics involving my electric wheelchair. One such story begins with a staff pie throwing contest to raise money for Cancer research. One of my friends was on staff as a “Community Adviser” (the authority in the Residence Halls). As such we could not resist any opportunity to smear pie all over the face of authority. That being said, when I went to pie her, more of the pie wound up on me and my chair than on her face.
That night, a friend helped me to bed. He offered to take the chair outside to was the remaining whipped cream catastrophe off of the chair. He first tried to drive the chair by standing alongside, and moving the joystick, a feat only performable by Vin Diesel in a Fast and Furious movie. I told him, you know the chair’s a lot easier to drive while sitting, so sit upon the mobile death-trap he did. As he rolled merrily out the door, several guys were standing outside smoking. My friend stops the chair, stands up, and proceeds to walk away from the chair. The smokers are left flabbergasted, jaws agape, having witnessed what they believe is a veritable miracle.
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