I’ve been living with a fear.
My fear, a fear many face, is one of losing something.
A fear of losing my cares if my income creeps one cent over the limit.
A fear of losing more caregivers due to lousy hours, lousy pay, and no benefits.
A fear of losing my home when Medicaid forces me to alter my work due to income limits.
A fear of the unknown, as for all the Medicaid and Social Security specialists I talk to, there are no options to stay independent and financially independent while needing cares.
Yet, my independence benefits me.
My independence benefits the community.
My independence saves money.
I pay my own rent/mortgage.
I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, I even buy groceries.
My employer pays my insurance.
The tools to my independence, accessibility and cares, mean that everyone in the community can have opportunities at independence.
Yet policies put in place by the Scott Walker administration slashed my care hours and access to transportation.
Policies put in place by the Trump administration made it difficult for me to remain employed while receiving Medicaid funded cares.
Policies put forward by Newt Gingrich, and signed by Bill Clinton, made it so that my house will be repossessed as an asset if my health takes a turn.
But folks, Let me ask.
How is slashing my cares helping you?
How is making it harder for me to keep a job helping you?
How is preventing me from getting married helping you?
How is preventing having some degree of financial stability helping you?
How is preventing me from making certain my life-partner has financial stability, if anything happens to me, helping you?
Instead, folks, let’s work together.
Let me work, without fear of losing daily cares.
Let me get married, without fear of losing daily cares.
Let me have a degree of financial independence, without fear of losing daily cares.
In return, I want to work hard, to support the community, and to fight to ensure that you have these same freedoms if and when you need them.
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