A Casual Call-Out during these Complicated Times

Hi all,

During the COVID pandemic, things have certainly been interesting.  I have been fortunate enough to retain much of my care-giving staff.  With limited PPE equipment, and limited access to resources things have been interesting.  Quite fortunately, I was provided with a mask per caregiver.

As the weather grows nicer, it’s great to take advantage of the nice green-space and walk-able streets around my neighborhood.  My life-partner (Lisa) and I love going for casual walks through the neighborhood, though like most, we do miss the outings, and getting together (face to face) with friends and family.  Lisa’s family has started weekly, online trivia, which is a nice pastime.

One funny, recent story, is that as neither of us drive, and given the risk of infection I face, we order in our groceries.  This week, we had a smaller order, as our prior order had been quite large and included house supplies and toiletries.  Our delivery window was between 6 and 7 PM, and so we patiently waited.  7:30 PM, we get a call.  The store had used a third-party service for delivery.  Apparently the store got a call from a confused home owner, that a delivery had randomly been placed at their door, with our names on it.  So the store frantically tried to reproduce our order and get it to us.  8:30, our order arrives.  We got some of what we ordered, but the order arrives with more than what we ordered including: a pizza we did not order (as we had ordered it last time), more frozen food (from the past order, and our freezer is now overflowing), two bags of dry cat food (we hadn’t ordered for months as we also have plenty of dry food), and personal toiletries we had stocked up on last time.  So we probably got double what we ordered, and now feel like we stocked for the rest of summer … lol.

Hope everyone is well, and take care of yourselves.

Joe (Frosty) Frost



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