Labor Day in La Crosse

For my Labor Day, I took an exciting opportunity to visit friends in La Crosse, WI while attending a wedding.  It has been roughly 5 years since I had last seen my friends.  Their son, who was 1 last time I saw him, is now a bundle of energy running two and fro with the speed of the wind.

Returning to the streets of downtown La Crosse was a pleasant stroll down memory lane.  The last time I had been there was for my friend’s wedding roughly 7 years ago.  I had been the co-best man in the wedding, along with the groom’s brother.  At the time we had fun touring downtown La Crosse for the Bachelor party (a story I may share another time).

We hit a few restaurants, went to see the new Star Trek movie, and just had some general, kid friendly fun in the park.  The spry 6 year old was a bundle of energy and fun.  Several times during the movie he asked “Mommy, is he (Spock) going to die?”, “Mommy, are they dead (referring to some red-shirted crew members who had been attacked by the villain)?”.  He was reassured Spock wasn’t going to die, though he didn’t get quite the same comforting answer about the red shirts (for all you Trekkies out there).

The wedding was great.  I got out on the dance floor for a few songs, showing off a few maneuvers with my wheelchair to “Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting”.

All in all it was a wonderful Labor Day weekend, spent with friends and family.






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