Over the years, I’ve shared some stories of the challenges of getting wheelchair accessible rides in Madison (few options, frequently booked solid, and lengthy delays). Recently a local newspaper, the Cap Times, reached out to me and several friends for input on the challenges of getting an accessible cab, notably after one cab company shuttered its’ services https://captimes.com/news/government/hardly-any-madison-taxi-rides-for-those-with-disabilities/article_73527cd5-3d51-57a1-a73b-cc975ac9feea.html .
Prior to the writing of this article, District 3’s City Alder (coincidently the district I live in), Alder Erik Paulson, has been working on accessibility and equity initiatives, and has reached out to me for input. As noted in the article, Alder Paulson seeks to create a city grant to fund the purchase of new accessible cabs. Alder Paulson met with the City of Madison Disability Rights Commission (which I serve on) to help channel discussions.
The Disability Rights Commission, Transportation Commission, and Alder Paulson are seeking input on this and other initiatives.
There remain many hurdles, including keeping staffing for accessible cabs, but it’s refreshing to have these City Commissions and groups working together.
Feel free to share your thoughts and input/
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