Connoisseur de Toillette

As my fiancee and I are nearing our planned wedding date of August 2019, we have been searching for adequate venues.  And though we are quite the unique couple some of our criteria may sound a tad odd.  Sure, we want the space, the view would be nice, and location location location.  However, how often do you hear of the couple asking about the restroom facilities?

While this may sound a bit asinine (don’t mind the pun) it is a serious consideration when using a wheelchair.  Small bathrooms and single accessible stalls with little space can make restroom usage a nightmare for those in a chair.  ADA compliance doesn’t guarantee a easy nor pleasant experience.  Many ADA compliant stalls are too small for power chairs and do not provide adequate space for parking the chair alongside to do a transfer.  Furthermore, some restrooms, while having a compliant stall, will have little space to maneuver into said stall.

As such, when travelling, staying in a hotel, or looking for a house I have become a veritable connoisseur of the Toilet, in a manner of speaking.  Thankfully, the venues we are considering have world-class restroom facilities and ample space for the festivities (see my prior post about the facilities we found in Berlin).






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