If it’s not one thing, it’s another

Well, it continues.  The trend of the annual summer breakdown of the Cadillac (my current chair).  The same battery problems that the chair had in 2016 have re-emerged.  The vendor plans to replace the battery (again).  But, as always, the repairs come coupled with a month of waiting for Medicaid to process the paperwork.  Presently the chair can make it roughly to the Capital Square and back before running out of power (roughly 1 mile each way).

Due to the ongoing battery problems, I’ve had to alternate chairs.  But this summer, a new twist is thrown into the mix.  My old reliable chair of 20 years, the Tank, is starting to show signs of its age.  The wires are frayed and the arm rests won’t adjust, as we found out while catching the  plane to New Orleans.  Yet, it still worked fine the entire time in New Orleans.  But to top my ongoing list of issues off, the Tank began to act up the other day.  The chair’s top speed has now dropped to a speed so slow that while crossing the street, after getting off of the bus, I was unable to cross in a single session of the walk sign, leaving me worried about the rushing cars as the light turned green and I still had 6 feet to go.

I just fear that one day old reliable will stop working all together, and I will have no properly functioning chairs.






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