Yep, still disabled…

It’s been a few weeks since my last major post.  Things have gotten busy with work, spending time with my girlfriend, and some nice life events for friends and family.  However, much of my free time has been preoccupied with preparing for the annual Medicaid renewal paperwork.  Each year, in order to continue to receive the daily healthcare I require to get out of bed and go into work, I must fill out a series of paperwork for the state indicating that I’m still disabled, still have needs, and still meet the financial requirements of the program (you’d think they’d catch on by now that I’m still disabled and still require daily cares).  The funniest part of this is that each year my doctor must submit a written letter indicating that I have a physical disability and require home healthcare (must get tiring for the doctor to have to write these out every year).

As for the financial component, I have to contact banks, my insurance, and several other institutions for verification of my finances and assets (as if I have any, the joke’s on them).

Some day this tedium may change, but for now, each September holds fond memories of numerous phone calls, much paperwork, and many a headache.






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