Staying Frosty
A Day in Dubuque
Given the difficulty of travelling farther (finding accessible hotel rooms that can accommodate the hoyer, the chair, and have a roll-in shower), we’ve taken to a series of local trips while building funds for a trip abroad. As Dubuque is a short 90 min trip from Madison, my wife and I have gotten a ride…
A Care Crisis
A mounting crisis is occurring for the disabled and elderly. Lack of access to daily cares is forcing many seniors and individuals with disabilities to go without access to food, medical appointments, employment, and social activities. In a letter to the from Access to Independence to the City of Madison Disability Rights Commission, Access to…
Getting a Cab in Madison
Over the years, I’ve shared some stories of the challenges of getting wheelchair accessible rides in Madison (few options, frequently booked solid, and lengthy delays). Recently a local newspaper, the Cap Times, reached out to me and several friends for input on the challenges of getting an accessible cab, notably after one cab company shuttered…
Technical Difficulties
Hello everyone, You may have noticed some downtime, and a new look. The site hit some technical difficulties during an update, and had to be migrated. Thank you for your patience.
A Refreshing bit of Feedback
Often when writing feedback to a company, the fear is that it falls into a void. Yet there are occasionally times where the message is heard, and received with refreshing feedback. I’ve mentioned Flix Brewhouse in a previous post, and shared how they provided accommodations that I have not seen in other theaters (…
Letter to the President
A few months ago I wrote a letter to President Biden to discuss the challenges of remaining employed while disabled. Below is the original letter: Dear President Biden, I am writing this to share with you an insurmountable challenge facing the disabled community that denies us basic rights and freedoms. The Income and Asset Limits…
31 Days of SMA: Playing the Game of Life with a Disability
I recently wrote an entry for SMA News Today’s 31 Days of SMA. Read my submission Playing the Game of Life with a Disability. Hope you enjoy a laugh as I share some insights and put a humorous spin on the challenges of living with a disability.
Madison – Disability Rights Commission – Sidewalks
Recently, I joined the City of Madison’s Disability Rights Commission. It’s a nice opportunity to have discourse in making the City more accessible, and working with the City to share suggestions and ideas for improvement. During a recent discussion, the City Engineer’s office shared notes of how they plan street and sidewalk repair projects. Some…
A Return To Normal – But Let’s keep the Virtual Options
A fascinating read an article As a Disabled Person, I’m Afraid for the World to Go Back to ‘Normal’ by Karin Hitselberger. Karin wonderfully notes how in addressing the challenges of the pandemic, virtual opportunities were opened up that made things more available for everyone. These interesting opportunities opened up virtual museum tours, virtual appointments, virtual…
Got any book recommendations?